Dieser Hengst vereint alle Eigenschaften, die sich Züchter und Reiter wünschen. Skjár ist groß und sportlich gebaut, hat viel Mähne und eine außergewöhnliche Farbe. Seine Gänge sind gut getrennt und strahlen sowohl Kraft als auch Eleganz aus. In seinen Gängen hat er einen guten Fluss - besonders hervorzuheben ist sein schreitender Schritt. Der Galopp ist bergauf gesprungen. Im Tölt sowie im Trab zeigt Skjár eine gute Tempovarianz.
from | until | Location |
June 2025 | August 2025 | Trupe 18, 28865 Lilienthal, Deutschland |
Skjár frá Sydra-Kolugili
Ölnir frá Akranesi
Spóla frá Stóru-Ásgeirsá
Glotti frá Sveinatungu
Óður frá Brún
Örk frá Akraneisi
Vordís frá Stóru-Ásgeirsá
Name | FEIF-ID | fizo | |
Skjár frá Sydra-Kolugili | IS2019155174 | 7.92 | |
F | Ölnir frá Akranesi | IS2009135006 | 8.82 |
M | Spóla frá Stóru-Ásgeirsá | IS2001255027 | 7.95 |
ff | Glotti frá Sveinatungu | IS2002136610 | 8.64 |
FM | Óður frá Brún | IS1989165520 | 8.34 |
MF | Örk frá Akraneisi | IS2000235006 | 8.35 |
MM | Vordís frá Stóru-Ásgeirsá | IS1994255024 | 8.17 |
Characteristics | Marks | BLUP | Characteristics | Marks | BLUP |
Tölt | 8 | Head | 8.5 | ||
Trot | 8 | Neck-Withers-Shoulders | 8.5 | ||
Pace | 5 | Limbs | 8.5 | ||
Canter | 8 | Proportions | 8.5 | ||
Willingness | 8 | Joints | 7.5 | ||
General impression | 8 | Hooves | 8.5 | ||
Walk | 9 | Backline | 8.5 | ||
Slow tölt | 7.5 | Mane | 8.5 | ||
Slow canter | 8 | ||||
Ridden abilities | 7.63 | Conformation | 8.44 | ||
Overall FIZO | 7.92 |
Characteristics | Marks | BLUP |
Tölt | 8 | |
Trot | 8 | |
Pace | 5 | |
Canter | 8 | |
Willingness | 8 | |
General impression | 8 | |
Walk | 9 | |
Slow tölt | 7.5 | |
Slow canter | 8 | |
Ridden abilities | 7.63 | |
Head | 8.5 | |
Neck-Withers-Shoulders | 8.5 | |
Limbs | 8.5 | |
Proportions | 8.5 | |
Joints | 7.5 | |
Hooves | 8.5 | |
Backline | 8.5 | |
Mane | 8.5 | |
Conformation | 8.44 | |
Overall FIZO | 7.92 |
Covering fee > 8,0 1,000.00 € |
Covering fee ≤ 8,0 1,000.00 € |
Covering type On the hand, In the herd |
Height 147 cm |
FEIF-ID IS2019155174 |
Age 6 Years |
Gaits Fivegaiter |
Colour Red dun |
FEIF-ID IS2019155174 |
For more than 1,000 years now, Icelandic horses have stood for pure breeding, especially in Iceland. The aim is to breed a healthy, long-lived, and fertile Icelandic horse that stands out for its unique character. With the best pedigree and ideal character traits, you will find a large selection of Icelandic horse stallions here. Because not only the character is unique, the great variety of color variations of the Icelandic horses is also reflected in these stallions.
The stallions offered here can be filtered by location, color, BLUP and much more. This is how you can find your ideal stallion or upload your own stud stallion to UNDRA.
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